In collaboration between Trollboken AB, Eurachem Sweden and Kemistutbildarna AB
XRF instrument for analysis has now existed for more than half a century, but technology is still rapidly developing – one example is portable or handheld XRF. With XRF you can now measure most of the elements. Those in most cases that are not measured are the lighter elements such as boron, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, etc. As all the techniques even XRF has many disadvantages – when you know those your results can be improved!
The scope of this user meeting, held every second year, is the exchange of knowledge, experience and practical tips between all users of different techniques using elemental X-ray fluorescence. Here, users gather to exchange experience and follow developments. Lectures (mainly in English) are mixed with discussions.
At the meeting we will include sample preparation (milling, grinding, briquette and glass bead), measurement of fluids, calibration and maintenance of instruments. We will in detail discuss the performance of energy and wavelength dispersive XRF and compare handheld instruments and lab instruments. We exchange experiences with each other. This year we will also discuss accreditation of XRF methods and purchase of new instruments.
Target audience
The target audience is you working with XRF:
• lab instruments – energy (EDXRF) and wavelength dispersive (WDXRF); or
• portable or handheld instruments (pXRF).
The goal is to exchange experience with other users. The content is governed by the participants and all requests for items to discuss are welcome.
Matsmak, Drakegatan 1 in central Göteborg
Monday 18 September 11:00-17:00
Venue: Matsmak, Drakegatan 1 in central Göteborg
Registration with “fika” starting 10:00, lunch 12:45 and fika 15:00
In order to prepare for the course there is a list of questions and literature to study. Take your time and review the questions and if possible together with your colleagues.
Introduction to XRF
A brief theory and XRF principles will be explained
XRF instruments
• ED-XRF (energy dispersive)
– Lab instruments, including polarized EDPXRF
– Handheld (portable) pXRF
• WD-XRF (Wavelength dispersive)
Brief survey of these techniques will be presented
Routine use of XRF
• Monitors for XRF instruments
– 1 or 2 & with or without background
– Use of other channels with similar excitation conditions
– Measurement time and stability oKind of sample
– Rules for applying drift correction
• QC for XRF instruments
– Instrument/Method/Rules for QC – Nordtest 569
– Number of QC/ Additional multimatrix approach
Method development for XRF instruments…
• Thickness of samples
• Evaluations
– Empirical/Fundamental parameter/Compton
– Standard samples RM, CRM, in-house RM
Certificates/Reliable producers
Similarity to your samples
What to do if there are no RM – standardless software
Discussion & Answer
Course leaders
BM Bertil Magnusson, Trollboken AB
Rainer Schramm FLUXANA GmbH & Co KG
Course material
FLUXANA: X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis: Practical and Easy – 2nd edition
Further reading – www.trollboken.se/xrf
Participants have the option to attend the XRF course, XRF user meeting or both. Based on their interest in the themes and topics outlined in the program. Choose your option and book below. The conference fee can be paid via credit card or invoice. Do you need accommodation, this needs to be booked and paid directly to the hotel of your choosing.
XRF Course: 5000 SEK
XRF User Meeting: 9400 SEK
XRF Course & User Meeting: 11 000 SEK